What's this site about? Toronto theatre – and…

So. Why another theatre site?

Well, it’s a good question. More than anything it’s an experiment.

In my dream world, completely separate from this site, theatre becomes an art form of the masses again. These days, all to often, theatre is seen as an elite art form, something fancy. Dress up in pretty fancy clothes, got to a fancy dinner, and then go to a big production (Les Mis anyone?). It’s not the ‘hey, what do you wanna do tonight’ choice of most folks.

Remember back in the day, back when Shakespeare was actually alive, no, you don’t remember? Okay. Fair enough, I suppose there probably aren’t many folks who remember first hand, but remember what you learned about it? Shakespeare, the man who’s plays now are seen as the most elite of elite theatre, he wrote plays for the masses. The equivalent of movies these days really.

So, that’s what I want back. I want theatre to be available, accessible, considered. I want it to not need to be a big moral lesson or artistic statement, I want it to be an experience people can share without too much pressure.

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