Cheap Theatre for the Week of December 17, 2013

This week’s pre-holiday pickings for wallet-friendly theatre include modern adaptations of classic (ok, most are classics) work. From Christmas-themed cheer to a site-specific version of Pride and Prejudice and even a nod to a retro Canadian icon, this week welcome a blast from the past and step into a piece of theatre from days gone by.

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (Humber River Shakespeare Co). Five actors perform the timeless tale of greed, ghosts, salvation and hope. Opens Dec 5 and runs to Dec 21, see website for details. $20, child $10. Montgomery’s Inn, 4709 Dundas W. 416-209-2026,

The Christmas Story (Church of the Holy Trinity). Professional musicians and a volunteer cast present a nativity pageant. Opens Dec 6 and runs to Dec 22, Fri 7:30 pm, Sat-Sun 4:30 pm (Dec 14, 21 and 22 also at 7:30 pm). $20, child $5 (suggested donation). 10 Trinity Square. 416-598-8979,

Elizabeth – Darcy: An Adaptation of Pride and Prejudice by Hallie Burt and Kate Werneburg (Burt and Werneburg). Two women play all the parts and go through the venue’s historic rooms in this remount of the Fringe play based on the Jane Austen novel. Opens Dec 14 and runs to Dec 29, Wed-Sat 8 pm (and Dec 22, 29), mat Sat-Sun 2 pm (and Dec 27); no shows Dec 25-26. $20 ( Campbell House Museum, 160 Queen W. 416-597-0227 ext 2,

Shakespeare-In-Hospitals Project Showcase (Spur-of-the-Moment Shakespeare Collective). Program graduates Clare Blackwood, Cameron Lapp, Louisa Zhu and others perform. Dec 20-21 at 8 pm. $20, stu $10. Winchester Street Theatre, 80 Winchester.

Spookey Ruben’s Dizzy Playground Live! Hi-Hat Recordings presents a stage version of the TV show w/ Spookey’s live band, sketch comedy, short film and impromptu hijinks. Oct 22 9 pm, Nov 19 9 pm, Dec 17 9 pm. $8-$10. Rivoli, 332 Queen W.