Calling all fans of the Bard, this is your chance take on a role in the Shakespeare Challenge
Shakespeare in Action is presenting their third annual Shakespeare Challenge on February 8th at the Arts and Letters Club of Toronto. The volunteer cast will be performing an abridged version of Twelfth Night.
Have you ever wanted to perform on stage in a Shakespeare play? Would you like to help bring Shakespeare to school audiences in Ontario? And to introduce a new generation to the joy of theatre?
This is your chance to be a champion, to learn something new, and to raise money for a terrific organization.
Here’s the challenge: each champion is asked to commit to the rehearsal schedule – six rehearsals, perform on stage, and raise $1500.00. You’ll get your own fund-raising web page and Shakespeare in Action will help you with tools and tips for successful fund-raising. You’ll be directed by Michael Kelly, Shakespeare in Action’s Artistic Director.
They still have space for a few more champions – no acting experience necessary.
Ready to sign up? You can register online at Eventbrite.
If you have questions or would like more information you can read about The Shakespeare Challenge and watch a short video or contact Kim Haladay or Mat Howard at 416-703-4881.
Information about making a donation or buying tickets will be on The Shakespeare Challenge web page in the next couple of weeks.