Personal Demon Hunter – Toronto Fringe 2019 Press Release

From Press Release

Veteran triple-threat performer
Velvet Duke motivates audiences to tackle their anxiety in :


Next up – Toronto Fringe Festival!

Feeling anxious about the state of the world? Experiencing self doubt? Unsure about your path in life? Velvet Duke is here to motivate you and ease your anxiety as he takes on the role of  Motivational Speaker with his patented PATH © system in his first solo comedy production PERSONAL DEMON HUNTER.

Personal Demon Hunter is an exploration and confrontation of anxiety through a mixture of storytelling, original music, stand-up and improvised comedy. It is an interactive cabaret that contains moments of good natured audience interaction. Velvet Duke will use every tool in his arsenal to vanquish demons for good, including turning to you, his fans.

Through a lens of humour, heart, and honesty Velvet asks the audience to share their personal demons… if they want to. Audience participation is encouraged but not required, and Velvet starts off by making very clear that this space is a safe space for sharing.

“I’ve spent the last 15 years challenging my fears. I wasn’t  confronting them to get over being afraid. Anxiety doesn’t give up that easy, honey. I was facing my fears to embrace joy.”

Both touching and at times self-effacing, Velvet Duke in Personal Demon Hunter addresses topics such as Being Enough, Personal Growth Cannot Be Forced, and the definition of Bravery. He uses personal examples, including the time he stood up for women being harassed in a crowded movie theatre, that ended up with Velvet being featured on Love What Matters Facebook page (22K likes, 5K shares).

“If you had the gift of mind reading, you would have heard my angry inner voice wanting to take him out of the theatre and inflict harm on him. You would have also heard the stronger prevailing voice: Protect them.” Just don’t talk to him about daddy issues. He hasn’t quite figured that one out yet.

Personal Demon Hunter is coming off of a successful run at the Windsor-Walkerville Fringe Festival. Up next, the Toronto and Victoria Fringe Festivals.

Written, Created, Directed and Performed by Velvet Duke
Toronto Fringe Festival (July 3-13, with 4 Assisted Performances)
Victoria Fringe Festival (Aug 21 – Sep 1)

Windsor-Walkerville Fringe Festival (May 22-26)

Youtube Promo Video:

Follow Velvet on Social!

Be an angel – come vanquish some personal demons…

#FringeDemon or #FringeAngel your choice

50 mins • Music, Scripted and Improvised Comedy, Drama, Adult Themes.

Named for his smooth baritone voice, Velvet Duke is a queer black male entertainer who regularly graces many of Toronto’s stages in collaborative productions and solo stand-up acts. He is the co-founder of The Dandies and creator/producer of their long-running Holodeck Follies, an improvised Star Trek show. Velvet is also the creator of INTERSECTION, a diversity themed storytelling show and OverDude, the improvised rock duo.