Continue reading The Man Who Loved Beer (Rhyming Optional Productions) 2015 Fringe Review
Continue reading The Man Who Loved Beer (Rhyming Optional Productions) 2015 Fringe Review
Mixed Chick is a one woman Toronto Fringe show, written & performed by Toronto’s Coko Galore. The opening performance was nearly sold-out, and those assembled were very energetic and responsive to Galore and her material. This beautifully arranged, funny and well-articulated show explores the politics of identity in the life of a biracial woman whose ancestry is proudly African AND Chinese. Surrounded by those who seek to categorize and limit her, she strives to make her way in the world in a manner that feels personally authentic.
Continue reading Mixed Chick (Coko Galore) 2015 Fringe Review
Continue reading Adventures of a Supervet Tech (Lilliput Productions) 2015 Fringe Review
Grade 8 is a solo show by award-winning spoken word artist, Dwayne Morgan, presented as part of the Toronto Fringe Festival. I must confess: I’ve seen ‘Grade 8’ once before. It left quite an impression on me when I caught its premiere run at Hamilton Fringe in 2008. It was the show that truly cemented my love of Fringe. Seven years later, Dwayne Morgan is ready to retire ‘Grade 8,’ but not before giving it a hometown swan song.
Continue reading Grade 8 (Up From The Roots) 2015 Fringe Review
Porn & Pinochet is a solo show from Andy Cañete. The strength of this show lies in Cañete’s ‘Everyman’ appeal. He’s willing to be vulnerable. He’s charming and likeable, funny and self-deprecating. He’s the fun guy at the party, spinning tales and keeping everyone laughing. As Cañete reveals right off the top, his background is in stand-up comedy as well as acting, and that style of delivery is very much in evidence throughout the show.
Continue reading Porn and Pinochet (Caturro Productions) 2015 Fringe Review