Watching Mirvish’s production of Fiddler on the Roof, playing at the Canon Theatre, certainly makes for a very entertaining evening. Frankly, I wasn’t sure that it would be, given its length and subject matter (the marrying off of several daughters,) I thought I would be bored to death. Happily, I was proved wrong.
The play flew by for me, despite being approximately 3 hours long, including one intermission. This was the first time I’ve seen the play, and I have never seen Norman Jewison’s 1971 film version. Although I haven’t seen any other versions, if you’re a huge fan, I cannot imagine you being disappointed with this production. Continue reading Fiddler On The Roof – Canon Theatre→
The Madonna Painter, currently playing at Factory Theatre, is an exceptionally well-written play. It also features: a very capable cast all of whom deliver strong performances, unusual but nonetheless wonderful sound effects, and high contrast lighting. To call The Madonna Painter a masterpiece would certainly not be an exaggeration. It has something, an almost magical quality, that, particularly at the ending, made me feel like I was watching something so incredibly beautiful that I couldn’t fully comprehend it. Continue reading The Madonna Painter – Factory Theatre→
The RCA Theatre Company’s presentation of Rocking the Cradle at Tarragon Theatre is, overall, a good piece of theatre. It wasn’t brilliant, but if you check it out, you may very well learn something profound about human existence from it.
Would you like to win two absolutely free tickets to see Nightwood Theatre‘s presentation of Jean-Paul Sartre’s existential masterpiece No Exit? If you would, then all that you have to do to win them is to send an e-mail to us at: with the subject line: “No Exit Contest”.