The Debacle by Susan Leblanc-Crawford and Anne-Marie Kerr is a one woman show about a woman on the brink of losing everything. Directed by Anne-Marie Kerr and starring Susan Leblanc-Crawford, the play is part of The New Groundswell Festival presented by Nightwood Theatre.
Throughout the performance, the protagonist, Margaret is ensconced in a makeshift wooden structure, surrounded by symbols of her relationship with her dying sister, preserved in jars. The items are used to tell the story of her life with her sister, both the joys and the failures. Her reminiscences are repeatedly disrupted by the persistent ringing of the phone, which she is unable to answer. Continue reading Review: The Debacle (Nightwood Theatre)→
Many people with whom I have discussed my love of opera have expressed surprise there are new operas currently being written, apparently believing that opera’s history stops abruptly at the end of the 19th century. This perception is especially tragic in light of the fact that Toronto is home to an opera company entirely devoted to new works. Tapestry New Opera Works’ current production, Pub Operas, was everything I hope to see in a new work. The work gently pushes the boundaries of musical and staging tradition, while still bringing richly textured, beautiful music to the listener’s ear. Continue reading Review: Pub Operas (Tapestry New Opera Works)→
I suspect that one of the many reasons for Don Giovanni’s enduring popularity is the brilliance of the overture. In the first few bars Mozart, in his infinite genius, manages to capture all the themes of the piece. The overture is at once sensual, sinister and playful, three excellent adjectives to describe this opera. The orchestra did a wonderful job of setting the tone and exposing all of these themes before the curtain ever came up. Continue reading Review: Don Giovanni (Opera Atelier)→