Write ups by Megan Mooney
Fringe. Festival. Sapped. All. Energy…
Must. Post. Something…
Write ups after the jump of the following shows:
– Adam Growe’s The Mom and Pop Shop
– Nan loves Gerry
– Phat Love and the Thin Girl
Write ups by Megan Mooney
Fringe. Festival. Sapped. All. Energy…
Must. Post. Something…
Write ups after the jump of the following shows:
– Adam Growe’s The Mom and Pop Shop
– Nan loves Gerry
– Phat Love and the Thin Girl
So, I’ve been a bit derelict in my writing duties here lately because, well, I’m in the middle of having a nervous breakdown moving.
Luckily, the other place I write for, blogTO, has a lovely little quick intro to Fringe written by someone else.
I urge you to go read Tatiana’s piece, you know, just to get you in the mood.
So, I’m doing Fringe planning right now. For two sites actually, the Mooney on Theatre coverage, as well as the blogTO coverage.
I just counted up the shows I’m planning to go to at this point and I’m at 48 shows, and I fully intend on going to more once I see where the gaps in coverage are. So, we’ll have to see if my brain turns to ooze, or if it all excites me so much I can’t sleep.
Only time will tell. *grin*
What can I say, theatre writers abound!
Ian MacKenzie over at Theatre is territory has complied a list of Canadian theatre blogs.
The idea is that the list will likely grow over time, so if you have any suggestions shoot them over his way.
by Megan Mooney
Okay, so, I’ve already mentioned that I’m excited about the Fringe. But, as I sit down to do my Fringe planning I find myself tempted to pull all the hair out of my head strand by strand. The problem? The Fringe website.
In a little over a week, a huge theatre festival will take place in 30 venues across Toronto. An interesting side note, something I just noticed while counting out venues, there is no venue 13. Theatre people a superstitious bunch? No no, not us! Right, sorry, back on track. 30 venues across the city, showing 150 shows. Without a doubt the biggest theatre festival in Toronto, and this year is the 20th anniversary.
Continue reading Toronto Fringe – is it only as good as the available information?