All posts by Mira Saraf

Eternal Eclipse: Toronto 2010 Fringe Preview

From Press Release

Kinetic Elements is please to announce that their very first full length production will be a part of the 2010 Toronto Fringe Festival. Artistic director Kendra Hughes has exploded onto the scene with fresh faces and innovative choreography. Attached is the press release. For more information you can contact us at

For immediate release

3…2…1… BLAST OFF!
Choreographed by Kendra Hughes

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THE AQUARIUM: Toronto 2010 Fringe Preview

Good Egg and Triple Take Productions present:
THE AQUARIUM by Regan Macaulay & Allison McWood

Factory Theatre Mainspace, July 1st -10th 2010
Directed by: Regan Macaulay
Cast: Nate Callens, Kristen Corvers, Sandra Krstin, Andrea Lyons, Scott Moore,
Anthony Palmer, Allison Price, & Jason Reilly

Toronto, Ontario: Good Egg and Triple Take Productions team up to return to the Toronto Fringe Festival this season, doing what they do best – comedy!
Opening on Thursday July 1st and running select dates through Saturday July 10th 2010 at the Factory Theatre Mainspace, The Aquarium is a hilarious look
at ‘inter-apartmental’ urban life.

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FringeKids! Lineup: Toronto 2010 Fringe Preview

The 2010 Toronto Fringe Theatre Festival
Announces 2010 FringeKids! Lineup

Get ready, parents! FringeKids! is back!

With seven brand new shows — ideal for ages 5 to 12 — this year’s FringeKids! lineup features performances that will get kids off the couch, and into the theatre! Returning favourites Solar Stage Children’s Theatre and Cow Over Moon Productions join new shows from Toronto companies Roll Your Own Theatre, Sunny Leo Productions, Cats in the Cradle Productions, Two Wolves Theatre Productions, and Upside Down Frown Productions.

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Spider Baby The Musical: Toronto 2010 Fringe Preview

Horror and Hard Rock at the Fringe festival this summer

The touring company of Spider Baby the musical will be joining this year’s Fringe festival in Toronto Ontario.  Spider Baby the musical is based on Jack Hill’s cult classic (Spider Baby) and is gaining a cult following of its own.  Toronto is stop two on their international tour before going on to an eight week run in Los Angeles CA.

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2-Man No-Show-2: Toronto 2010 Fringe Preview

2-Man No-Show-2

* * * * * – NOW Magazine


(TORONTO) All good things in life come in twos…just ask 2-Man No-Show.

2-Man No-Show returns this summer to the Toronto Fringe Festival to debut the exciting sequel to their award winning first show.

2-Man No-Show-2
is the tag team duo of Isaac Kessler and Ken Hall.  Combining percussion, character/sketch comedy, physical theatre and performance art, they tell the story of two underdogs reaching beyond the unimaginable. Kessler and Hall play together with a fraternal chemistry that involves everything from singing, dancing and high-flying physical feats.
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