All posts by Sam Mooney

Always a theatre lover Sam realized in middle age that there's more to Toronto theatre than just mainstream and is now in love with one person shows, adores festivals, and quirky venues make her day.

Luminato 2011 Review – Natural Magick: David Ben (Produced in association with Magicana)

Magic shows are… well they’re magical. We suspend belief, gasping with delight as the coins pour from someone’s nose and applauding wildly when the torn crumpled pieces of paper turn out to be whole. Even the most jaded skeptic responds to magic.

Not that tonight’s audience at the Luminato presentation of David Ben’s show Natural Magick were jaded, but there were definitely some skeptics who were there under duress. After the show I overheard one man saying how glad he was that he had gone, how much he had enjoyed the show and how much he really didn’t want to go.

Another lovely thing about magic shows is the age range of the audience- from children to great-grandparents – and the balance of men and women.

Continue reading Luminato 2011 Review – Natural Magick: David Ben (Produced in association with Magicana)

Canadian Comedy Awards Nominees Announced

By Sam Mooney
The 12th annual Canadian Comedy Awards 2011 nominees were announced on Wednesday at a press conference at Second City.  There are 25 categories and the public can vote in 5 of them – Best TV Show, Best Film, Best Web Clip, Best Radio Clip and Canadian Comedy Person of the Year. Voting begins on June 15 and public voting ends in September. You do need to register to vote and can do that at the Canadian Comedy Awards website.

The awards will be presented as part of the Canadian Comedy Awards and Festival, October 13th to 17th, 2011. You’ll be able to see performances by many of the nominees at various venues around Toronto.

Continue reading Canadian Comedy Awards Nominees Announced

Review: I Think I Can (Lorraine Kimsa Theatre for Young People)

By Sam Mooney

As soon as I heard that I Think I CanLorraine Kimsa Theatre For Young People production – had a lot of tap dancing I knew it was for me.  I love tap dancing.  Imagine how thrilled I was when I realized that there is pretty much no dialogue, other than one speaking character the dancing is the dialogue.  Well, not just the dancing.  The actors use their bodies and their faces to tell the story and they tell it well.  No need at all for dialogue.

Continue reading Review: I Think I Can (Lorraine Kimsa Theatre for Young People)