So, you may have noticed a couple new names in the by-lines here. There’s a heck of a lot of theatre out there, and I have limited time, plus, I like the idea of having different voices on the blog, and trust me, some of them are VERY different from me. So, let me introduce them to you:
Dana Lacey
Dana Lacey is a freelance writer living in Toronto, meaning she’ll work for food or bike parts or theatre tickets. Working for Mooney on Theatre joins her two loves: writing and criticizing. Dana’s brain doesn’t carry an ounce of theatre theory: she exhausted her acting career in high school, where she spent many nights failing to memorize her lines before realizing she’d be better off on the other side of the stage, the side that just sits there and passes judgment. Journalism school was a natural extension of this. It equipped her with the ability to write about stuff
she loves but knows nothing about.
Ryan Oakley
Ryan has no career in theater, no love of it and no particular interest in it. He does, however, love getting dressed up and looking at things. He has been called "shallow," "cold," "misanthropic" and "Satan" by people who like him and unprintable things by those who don’t. He waits tables, tends bar and washes dishes for money, writes ultra-violent science fiction for fun and keeps a blog, The Grumpy Owl, for no reason at all.
Alex Rayment
Alex got involved in theatre during his early years of high school. The productions were always enjoyable to put on but mostly Alex just liked making people laugh. Since then, his career taken him away from performing and into everything from architecture and visual arts to now film production and writing. Alex has kept a distant hand on theatre via amateur improv and small local plays, deciding that a behind the scenes role was more suited to his tastes. Now given the opportunity to write about his once mistress his infatuation returns. Alex writes solely for personal fame and fortune at the expense of anything and anyone that gets in his way. He is also coming to the realization that he is therefore in the wrong business.