From Press Release
Donny’s Day
Among the offerings at this year’s Fringe Theatre Festival is a new play by Dora Mavor Moore Award-winning playwright, David Finley.
Donny’s Day is a broad comedy about one day in the life of Eddie Kowalski (performed by Timothy Walker) – an alcoholic, commitment-phobic, chronically procrastinating, wannabe writer wiseass. Yes, Eddie has issues. And they all come out as he endures the day from hell. Along the way, we meet his girlfriend (Megan Murphy), his AA sponsor (John Dickie, 40-year veteran of the Toronto music scene making his return to the stage after a lengthy absence), his psychiatrist (John Illingworth) and his erstwhile bartender, Pete (Ryan Giesen).
David won the 2005 Dora for outstanding New Musical for “Aladdin”. He was nominated for the same award in 2006 for “Snow White and the Group of Seven.” This will be his theatrical directing debut.
Donny’s Day plays at the Robert Gill Theater, 214 College Street, 3rd Floor (St. George St. entrance). The Fringe Festival runs July 1-12.