OLD-ish is about eyeing that final curtain with humour and honesty. OLD-ish’s outlook is optimistic; love, connections and laughter are the keys to aging happily and the best dodge against sickness, both physical and mental. Freedman is having a good time, and takes us along for the ride. But there it is — lurking around the corner. Is it near or is it still far in the future? Who knows? In the meantime, Freedman’s laughing and learning the whole way.

Venue: Theatre Passe Muraille Backspace
16 Ryerson Ave, Toronto
July 3 @ 6:30pm
July 5 @ 3:00pm
July 7 @ 8:00pm
July 8 @ 3:45pm
July 9 @ 10:15pm
July 10 @ 4:45pm
July 12 @ 5:15pm
July 13 @ 1:00pm
**Please note variable curtain times.
$11 (+ $2 service fee) via fringetoronto.com , by phone at 416-966-1062, or at the door.
Tickets may also be purchased during the festival at POSTSCRIPT, (the patio at the Toronto Fringe), located in the Hockey Rink at 275 Bathurst Street.
Advance Tickets on credit card have an additional $3 per order processing fee.