Set to the backdrop of 90s to early 2000s TV shows, Jenna, a multiple amputee, and her two quirky roommates explore themes of stereotyping, tokenism and labeling in today’s society while obsessing over Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Toronto Fringe Festival presents Young and the Limbless at the Robert Gill Theatre.
The Young and the Limbless is a comedic play that feels like a sitcom television show adapted to the stage. The cast consist of Jenna (Morgan Frey), Robbie (Kayleigh Poelman), and Luke (Will Atwood). The three young adults spend time in their apartment grappling over relationship difficulties and career growth.
The playwright skillfully unpacks what living with a disability looks like day to day. Jenna is a multiple amputee and works as a writer. She complains to friends Robbie and Luke that she is pigeon holed into only writing articles about disabilities.
I found it interesting to have Jenna provide an explanation through dialogue of what living with a disability looks like. She vents to her friends about her qualms while simultaneously teaching the audience about regulations pertaining to wages from the Ontario Disability Support Program as well as common stereotypes people with disabilities endure.
As a whole, there isn’t one clear problem for the overarching story. Instead, there is a myriad of smaller, day to day problems that range from relationship challenges to career difficulties, and in between navigating life with a disability. The general pace and light nature of the play reminded me of sitcom television. Because the characters bond over television shows, I would have liked to see this style amplified by shortening scenes or utilizing planned laugh tracks, similar to sitcom television.
Morgan Frey plays a strong willed Jenna. Kayleigh Poelman acts as a loyal sidekick in her portrayal of Robbie. Will Atwood as Luke is particularly entertaining. He is goofy, charming, and energetic. He lights up the stage with his charisma.
The Young and the Limbless has fresh, relevant content that is both educational and delightful. You won’t want to miss out.
- Young and the Limbless plays at the Robert Gill Theatre. (214 College St.)
- Tickets are $13, including a $2 service charge. The festival also offers a range of money-saving passes and discounts for serious Fringers.
- Tickets can be purchased online, by telephone (416-966-1062), from the Festival Box Office at Scadding Court (275 Bathurst St.), and — if any remain — from the venue’s box office starting one hour before curtain.
- Content Warning: mature language.
- This venue is wheelchair-accessible through usage of a painfully slow elevator. We recommend making sure you arrive a few minutes early.
- Be aware that Fringe performances always start exactly on time, and that latecomers are never admitted.
- The Toronto Fringe Festival is scent-free: please do not wear perfumes, colognes, or other strongly-scented products.
- Thursday July 4th, 10:15 pm
- Saturday July 6th, 8:30 pm
- Monday July 8th, 8:15 pm
- Tuesday July 9th, 6:45 pm
- Wednesday July 10th, 2:00 pm
- Friday July 12th, 4:30 pm
- Saturday July 13th, 12:30 pm
Photo of Will Attwood, Morgan Frey, Kayleigh Poelman provided by the company
Awesome young lady!
I enjoyed this play too. It takes up living with disabilities in a manner that doesn’t feel heavy-handed or pedantic — which is often the trap with such subject matter.