Theatre can move you, it can engage you; sometimes, you can even get dragged up onstage. And then there is a show like Out of the Box Productions‘ Sound in Silence, which literally feels like a full-body theatre experience.
This past Saturday, I got into bed with a bunch of strangers.
No, it’s not what you’re thinking. I just happened to be in the audience of draft89 theatre collective’s new work, John/Yoko Bed Piece. The play recreates the 1969 bed-in for peace staged by John Lennon and Yoko Ono, and with the intimate setting and throw pillow seats, the audience really was in on the experience.
Last night was my first experience at the CrossCurrents play-reading series at Factory Theatre that Megan caught earlier this week.With a series of one-night-only works in progress, you can never be too sure of what you’re in for.I am happy to report that last night, we weren’t disappointed.