They say that variety is the spice of life. But, I mean, who has the time to go out and buy a whole bunch of different spices to make their life more exciting? No thanks. If you’re like me, and you’d rather find variety of a more dramatic fashion, Toronto’s got a few shows playing this week that’ll give you a lot of variety for only a little bit of cash. So save yourself the trip to the spice store, and go see some Cheap Theatre!
All posts by Daniel Rostas
Cheap Theatre for the Week of May 6th
Tired of sitting at your computer, looking at all of your friends’ Facebook posts about their exotic vacations? Well, we can’t really help with that. But with the magic of theatre, we can make you feel like you’ve traveled somewhere interesting for at least a few hours. This week’s Cheap Theatre listings let you visit a number of new worlds, through Japanese folk tales, trips to magical wildernesses and tales told by disabled, sick, deaf, crazy, queer and 2POC artists. You won’t need to shop around for cheap fares, either – every show is $20 or less per ticket. So stop envying your friends’ trips, and come see some Cheap Theatre!
Play Listings for the Week of May 5th
There’s a lot of great theatre going on in Toronto for the week of May 5th, 2014. ** Shows marked with the double asterisks and in red are the ones that make Mike, our Editor, wish there were more hours in a day so he could check all of them out.
Review: Hackerlove (The Cabaret Company/Buddies in Bad Times Theatre)
The Cabaret Company takes a look at gender politics in Hackerlove playing at Buddies in Bad Times Theatre in Toronto
Anyone who follows the news will be at least a little familiar with the Wikileaks scandal, which took over the headlines back in 2010. It made a reappearance a few weeks ago, when Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning got permission from the U.S. Military to legally change her name to reflect her gender identity. So it was perfect timing for the saga to make its way to the stage, in the form of Hackerlove, written and directed by Sky Gilbert and put on by The Cabaret Company.
Continue reading Review: Hackerlove (The Cabaret Company/Buddies in Bad Times Theatre)
Cheap Theatre for the Week of April 29, 2014
Fitting in is never easy. At work, at home, or in society as a whole, sometimes you just don’t feel like you belong. But not to worry! This week’s Cheap Theatre list focuses on characters who also don’t quite fit in, and their struggles to overcome their outsider status. You can see any of them for around $20 or less! So whether you’re interested in the tale of an out-of-the-ordinary Roman slave fighting for his freedom, two lovers trying to navigate the Wikileaks affair, or the story of children begging on the streets of Kolkata, come check out some good, affordable theatre!
Continue reading Cheap Theatre for the Week of April 29, 2014