All posts by Heather Bellingham

Heather studied film at Humber College and English and Theatre at UTSC. She works as a stage manager, usually watching from the booth or lurking backstage. She has written for various websites since 2009. Unofficially, she’s also a total nerd with an obsession with sci fi TV series, fantasy novels, Dungeons and Dragons, and and video games. Follow her on Twitter at @bluealbow4eva.

Malaria Lullaby (Company Blonde Dance Projects) 2011 SummerWorks Review

Malaria Lullaby is an aerial dance play about contracting and suffering through, you guessed it, malaria. The show features robotic stewardesses, an angel of mercy and a chorus of infected mosquitos, performed by Michelle DeBrouwer, Holly Treddenick, Lara Ebata, Natalie Fullerton, Julye Huggins and Allison Bradbury. It’s playing at the Theatre Passe Muraille until August 14.

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Green (Beaver Theatre Co.) 2011 Toronto Fringe Review

Green, playing at St. Vladimir’s, is a clown show minus the noses. Marie-Claire Marcotte and Rebecca Davey bring their clown personas Vran and Gertie to the stage Vran is a gamer with an obsession for bacon, Gertie is a professional blogger who won’t admit that her pet bird is actually made of cardboard. The two techie-geeks bring their terrible business acumen to The Go Green Festival in Oshawa.

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Sacrelicious (Desk Rabbit Productions) 2011 Toronto Fringe Review

A series of three conversations take place during a Christian church service: The first between a husband and wife with a strained relationship, the second a mother and daughter, and the third, a pair of friends. Each conversation is entirely silly and inappropriate for church. This is Sacrelicious, and it’s playing at the Annex Theatre for the duration of the festival.

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Grounded in Fantasy (Accidental Crossroads) 2011 Toronto Fringe Review

A woman suffering from depression (Zane Banyan) finds herself suddenly aware of the characters in her mind, the ones who act out the fantasies that return her to happiness. They are equally confused as to why they can suddenly be seen. This is Grounded in Fantasy, directed by Pamela Barker, and it`s currently playing in the Tarragon Theatre Mainspace.

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Dungeons and Dragons (not) The Musical (Praxis Theatre) 2011 Toronto Fringe Review

Do you have a tendency towards nerdiness? Check out Dungeons and Dragons (not) The Musical, which is playing in the basement of Snakes and Lattes. It`s a six hour show, but you aren`t expected to stay the entire time – you can come and go as you please, although they won’t let more than 20 people in at once. The performers and the show will be different every time – it is the nature of the game.

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