All posts by Sam Mooney

Always a theatre lover Sam realized in middle age that there's more to Toronto theatre than just mainstream and is now in love with one person shows, adores festivals, and quirky venues make her day.

Review: New Ideas Festival Week 3 – Alumnae Theatre

by Sam Mooney

New Ideas Festival Alumnae Theatre

The weather almost convinced me not to go to the opening of Week 3 of the New Ideas Festival at the Alumnae Theatre last night.  My play partner didn’t make it but I did, and am so glad that I did. It was a wonderful evening.

New Ideas is a juried festival and I had been wondering whether the jury was presented with ideas or with scripts. Tonight I was sitting next to Brenda Darling, one of the Artisitc Producers and asked her. And the answer? Usually scripts although occasionally they will choose a concept.

Some of the shows have had more work done on them than others, some of them are close to perfect and some of them still need a fair amount of work.

Tonight’s shows were all close to perfect. Continue reading Review: New Ideas Festival Week 3 – Alumnae Theatre

Review: WriteNOW! Festival of New Works – pivotal(arts)

By Sam Mooney

This is the 5th annual presentation of writeNOW! Festival of New Works by pivotal(arts). Sadly it’s also the last one.  The company has decided to focus on full length runs, good news for all of us who love theatre but sad at the same time.  We’ll miss writeNOW!. This was the first year that I went to see the shows. Definitely my loss, not going before this.

My companion tonight was fellow Mooney on Theatre writer Crystal Wood.  We didn’t plan it that way, we ran into each other at Bread and Circus. We saw two plays and loved them both. Crystal is going back to see the third play and she’ll write about it. Continue reading Review: WriteNOW! Festival of New Works – pivotal(arts)

Review: New Ideas Festival, Week 2 – Alumnae Theatre

By Sam Mooney

New Ideas Festival 2011

This is week 2 of the New Ideas Festival at Alumnae Theatre.  I missed week 1 because I was sick.  Very disappointing.  I was so looking forward to it. This is the 23rd year of the festival.

The New Ideas Festival is a juried, three-week annual festival of new writing, works-in-progress and experimental theatre, with a different program of plays each week, and a staged reading on Saturdays at noon. It runs from March 9 – 26, 2011.

This year’s festival presents 14 new works, ranging in length from 12 to 60 minutes. There’s something for everyone, including comedy and mixed-up relationships, dance, poetry, a trip on the TTC, and a little tea with terror.”

Week 2 (March 16 to 19, 2011) features:

  • REFLECTIONS by Flora Stohr-Danziger
  • SUMMERS END by Francine Dick
  • EVES PRAYER (Act I) by Kelsey Blair

My play partner tonight was fellow Mooney on Theatre writer George Perry.  When I was explaining the Festival to him I said that it was like a mini Fringe festival in an evening, 90 minutes of new work.  Did he enjoy it?

Yes, he did. And so did I.  I think you will too. Continue reading Review: New Ideas Festival, Week 2 – Alumnae Theatre

Review: L’Orchestre d’Hommes-Orchestres performs Tom Waits (The Theatre Centre)

By Sam Mooney

L’Orchestre d'Hommes-Orchestres

A sick toddler and his exhausted mother meant that my roommate Bredgeen came with me to see L’Orchestre d’Hommes-Orchestres Performs Tom Waits tonight at The Theatre Centre. She had no idea what to expect beyond hearing some of Tom Waits’ songs. Nor, based on my eavesdropping, did quite a few other people in the audience.

Her verdict? “Brilliant!” And the rest of the audience agreed.  Much clapping, whooping and foot-stomping, and  a standing ovation were the proof of their enjoyment. Continue reading Review: L’Orchestre d’Hommes-Orchestres performs Tom Waits (The Theatre Centre)

Review: Seriously! Dramatically Improvised Stories

By Sam Mooney

Having read Mira’s profile of Seriouly! Dramatically Improvised Stories in Mooney on Theatre I was looking forward to seeing the show.  Like Mira I just associated improv with comedy and found the idea of of dramatic improv appealing.

I saw the show Tuesday night at Bad Dog Theatre with Mira.  There were only 6 of us in the audience.  A real shame, I think that must make it very difficult for performers. Continue reading Review: Seriously! Dramatically Improvised Stories