By Sam Mooney
In March I saw a staged reading of The Flying Avro Arrow Musical Comedy as part of the New Ideas Festival. I enjoyed it and ‘dibsed’ it then so I could cover it during Fringe.
Doug Warwick wrote and scored The Flying Avro Arrow Musical Comedy and Anne MacMillan directed it. There are 11 people in the cast – I’m sure that’s the largest cast I’ve seen in a Fringe show.
It seemed appropriate to see something so Canadian on Canada Day. The cancellation of the Avro Arrow affected thousands of Canadians and was responsible for a huge brain drain of Canadians to the US space program. It’s been the subject of a movie, books, articles, controversy, and conspiracy theories so why not a musical comedy.
I enjoyed it. Doug Warwick obviously had fun writing it and didn’t let the facts confine him. I’m pretty sure that William Shatner wasn’t ever a security guard at Avro.