All posts by Sam Mooney

Always a theatre lover Sam realized in middle age that there's more to Toronto theatre than just mainstream and is now in love with one person shows, adores festivals, and quirky venues make her day.

Factory Girls at the Alumnae Theatre

by Sam Mooney

Factory Girls - Toronto Irish Players

I spent some time in Donegal thanks to the Toronto Irish Players’ production of Frank McGuinness’s play Factory Girls at the Alumnae Theatre.  It’s the first play by Frank McGuinness that I’ve seen and also the first production by the Toronto Irish Players.  Both are now on my see again list.

Factory Girls follows 5 women working in the inspection department of a shirt factory in Donegal in the ‘70s.  The factory is old, the economy is crap, the manager is new, the union rep is old which means there’s lots of built-in tension and conflict.

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Hay Fever – Alumnae Theatre Company

By Sam Mooney

Cast of Hay Fever playing at the Alumnae Theatre

Want to be entertained? Hay Fever, playing at the Alumnae Theatre will do so in grand style.  Written in 1925, Hay Fever is Noel Coward at his funniest. The plot – and I use the term loosely – revolves around a family and their weekend house guests in the country.

It’s very funny.  The set is a sweet re-creation of a country sitting room.  Throughout the play there was a silk stocking hanging from the chandelier  that no one seemed to notice.  There was also a barometer that kept falling off the wall, – I think this was actually a prop issue – but it was still funny every time it happened.

Continue reading Hay Fever – Alumnae Theatre Company

Next Stage Festival – The Making of St. Jerome – eastBOUNDtheatre

By Sam Mooney

The Making of Saint Jerome

Have you ever noticed that plays based on actual events are always heartbreaking?  The Making of St Jerome from eastBoundplayers playing as part of the Next Stage Festival is no exception.  The most heartbreaking thing about the play is that there are no answers, not even to the most basic question.  Why?

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Next Stage Festival – The Red Queen Effect – Seventh Stage Productions

By Sam Mooney

The Red Queen Effect

The Red Queen Effect – from Seventh Stage Productions – is playing as part of the Next Stage Festival.  Sometimes I’m a bit slow on the uptake.  It took me till the end of the play to realize that ‘the red queen effect’ must refer to running in place as fast as you can just to stay in place.

There was a lot of running, but it seemed to me this Alice did get where she wanted to go.  Or at least she managed the first leg of the trip.

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Next Stage Festival – Like Father Like Son? Sorry – Chris Gibbs

By Sam Mooney

Chris Gibbs - Like Father Like Son? Sorry

How is it that I’ve never seen Chris Gibbs until now?  He’s very funny, a bit weird, definitely quirky, and incredibly entertaining. 

His show – Like Father Like Son? Sorry – is part of the Next Stage Festival running until January 17th. 

According to the blurb Like Father Like Son? Sorry “… playfully explores the fears, worries and surprises of being a new father, and the absolute terror of wanting to be a good one.” But this one-man show (it says “one-man show creator” in the blurb so I figure I can say it here,) is about so much more than fatherhood. 

The show opens with Chris channelling Marlon Brando as Jor-El – Superman’s father.  He comes back to Superman and other super heroes at various points in the 95 minute show.  Some of his lines are almost throw-aways, if you aren’t paying attention they’re gone and you find yourself thinking, “Wait!  I missed that.  Go back!”

Continue reading Next Stage Festival – Like Father Like Son? Sorry – Chris Gibbs