Sometime this week I read someone’s blog where they talked about what was involved in Arts funding and how complicated it was and so on. I thought it was a great post. I now can’t seem to find it.
So, could the blogger who wrote that please step forward so that I can repost their work? *grin
I figured it out. It’s on the blog that I have identified with the most while reading about arts funding cuts – One Big Umbrella. Specifically the posts from MK Piatkowski. She’s rocking my world these days. So…
Yes, I realise something that is a video contest isn’t particularly theatre-like, but the state of arts funding in this country can’t be held within the confines of specific genres. So, on that note, let me tell you about Gone in 30 Seconds, a video contest being put on by the Department of Culture.
Sometimes you are lucky enough to get two for the price of one. You get that with Obsidian Theatre’s double bill of Late and Black Medea playing at the Berkeley theatre.
The two plays have completely different tones – although they have similar thematic feeling with discussions of loss and family and identity – which makes it a great evening. The first show, Late, is funny and heartwarming with moments of sadness alternated with great guffaws. The second, Black Medea, is an intense exploration into the characters’ psyches that drew me in with symbolism, dance and mischievous spirits.